Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prompt # 4

The Best Laid Plans ............

Ever make a decision and then have a lot of things get in the way of your good intentions? That's what happened to me.
I was having company come over so I got everything out to make some special cookies. Then I thought, "I really need to find a better way to "celebrate" than with food. So I put everything back in the cupboards.
When my friend arrived she handed me her "out-of-this-world" peanut butter fudge. It is so good and I wanted to be a good host so ---what could I do but serve it and, of course, have a piece myself.
Shortly after she left, a neighbor came by with, you guessed it, another batch of peanut butter fudge. She used her mother's recipe--the one I remember growing up. YUM!
Once again, I have to be a good host so I had another piece.
I've thought about freezing some but I haven't done it yet. You never know when more company will show up and I'd want to serve them something.


  1. Sounds yummy. Peanut Butter + Fudge = Heaven

  2. Yummy!! I'm a classmate from Shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers class. Looking forward to your posts!
